If you visit American city,
You will find it very pretty.
Just two things of which you must beware:
Don't drink the water and don't breathe the air!
Pollution, pollution!
They got smog and sewage and mud.
Turn on your tap
And get hot and cold running crud!
Tom Lehrer - 1965 (Pollution)
"Dirty Father Thames" (1848)
Filthy river, filthy river,
Foul from London to the Nore,
What art thou but one vast gutter,
One tremendous common shore?
With manufacturing moving East, Western rivers started cleaning with the rate directly Proportional with the GDP growth rate of China and India.
Read - How the River Thames brought back to life.
So can India, still struggling to find its own China to pass on the problems of Mother Gangafix it with a total GDP of 2.6 Trillion and 1.35 Billion in the population most of which is proxy-colonized, getting crushed under the trains making a few cents for the Google economics.
Note - Here China is not literally referred, in that case, they will just send it back through Brahmaputra River, maybe some country else across the seas, which needs education in development.*
Check the full discussion. with @venkatesh and @ramankant.
*Sarcasm Intended on the comment about Chinese.